interface IARReferenceImage (Niantic.ARDK.AR.ReferenceImage.IARReferenceImage)


An image to be recognized in the real-world environment during a world-tracking AR session. More...

interface IARReferenceImage: IDisposable {
    // properties

    string Name;
    Vector2 PhysicalSize;

Detailed Documentation

An image to be recognized in the real-world environment during a world-tracking AR session.


The ARReferenceImage will contain the full image buffer until it is destroyed. Unless reuse of the constructed ARReferenceImage is required in the near future, it is recommended to destroy images after adding them to a configuration.


string Name

A name for the image.


Limited to 25 characters on native

Vector2 PhysicalSize

The real-world dimensions [width, height], in meters, of the image.


On Android, this may initially be 0,0 when multiple images are being detected, as ARCore attempts to estimate the physical size of the image. This will happen even if a physical size is used to construct the ARReferenceImage.