class ARDepthInterpolationAdapter (Niantic.ARDK.Extensions.ARDepthInterpolationAdapter)


A component that allows for dynamically setting the interpolation preference (whether to apply interpolation that prefers near or far depths). Allows users to specify whether to track a particular virtual object (_occludee) to align interpolation for, or the average depths of the entire depth buffer. More...

class ARDepthInterpolationAdapter: MonoBehaviour {
    // enums

    enum AdaptionMode;

    // properties

    AdaptionMode Mode;

    // methods

    void TrackOccludee(Renderer occludee);

Detailed Documentation

A component that allows for dynamically setting the interpolation preference (whether to apply interpolation that prefers near or far depths). Allows users to specify whether to track a particular virtual object (_occludee) to align interpolation for, or the average depths of the entire depth buffer.


void TrackOccludee(Renderer occludee)

Sets the main occludee used to adjust interpolation preference for.


This method changes the adaption mode setting.