class NetworkMessageSizeLimits (Niantic.ARDK.Networking.NetworkMessageSizeLimits)


Information about the maximum size of various network message components. More...

class NetworkMessageSizeLimits {
    // fields

    static readonly int MaxPersistentKeyValueKeySize = 4* 1024;
    static readonly int MaxPersistentKeyValueValueSize = 100* 1024* 1024;
    static readonly int MaxReliableMessageSize = 10* 1024* 1024;
    static readonly int MaxUnreliableMessageSize = 8000;

Detailed Documentation

Information about the maximum size of various network message components.


static readonly int MaxPersistentKeyValueKeySize = 4* 1024

4 KB

static readonly int MaxPersistentKeyValueValueSize = 100* 1024* 1024

100 MB

static readonly int MaxReliableMessageSize = 10* 1024* 1024

10 MB

static readonly int MaxUnreliableMessageSize = 8000

8000 bytes