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A part of larger city, grouped into an administrative unit.

Single layer
Single layer
With multiple layers
With multiple layers
  • Geometry: point, label
  • Zoom Range: 15-17


Largest urban settlements within a territory.

Single layer
Single layer
With multiple layers
With multiple layers
  • Geometry: point, label
  • Zoom Range: 0-17


Nation states or other high-level national administrative area.

Single layer
Single layer
With multiple layers
With multiple layers
  • Geometry: point, label
  • Zoom Range: 15-17


A smaller rural community.

Single layer
Single layer
With multiple layers
With multiple layers
  • Geometry: point, label
  • Zoom Range: 15-17


A geographically localized community within a larger city, town, or other settlement.

Single layer
Single layer
With multiple layers
With multiple layers
  • Geometry: point, label
  • Zoom Range: 12-17


Geographic or historical area with no clear boundaries, or in some countries a distinct administrative area.

Single layer
Single layer
With multiple layers
With multiple layers
  • Geometry: point, label
  • Zoom Range: 5-17


An urban settlement, between city and village in size.

Single layer
Single layer
With multiple layers
With multiple layers
  • Geometry: point, label
  • Zoom Range: 8-17


An urban settlement, smaller than a town.

Single layer
Single layer
With multiple layers
With multiple layers
  • Geometry: point, label
  • Zoom Range: 11-17