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class LayerMonoBehaviourPlacement



Base class for MapLayerComponent s that instantiate MonoBehaviours from a given prefab.

	template <T>
class LayerMonoBehaviourPlacement: Niantic.Lightship.Maps.MapLayers.Components.BaseTypes.LayerPrefabPlacementBase {
// methods

virtual override Transform GetTransform(T instance);
virtual override GameObject GetGameObject(T instance);

Inherited Members

// methods

virtual void Initialize(LightshipMapView lightshipMapView, GameObject parent);
virtual abstract void OnMapOriginChanged() = 0;
PooledObject<T> PlaceInstance(in LatLng position, string instanceName = null);

virtual PooledObject<T> PlaceInstance(
in LatLng position,
in Quaternion rotation,
string instanceName = null

PooledObject<T> PlaceInstance(in Vector3 position, string instanceName = null);

PooledObject<T> PlaceInstance(
in Vector3 position,
in Quaternion rotation,
string instanceName = null

virtual override void Initialize(
LightshipMapView lightshipMapView,
GameObject parent

virtual override void OnMapOriginChanged();

// fields

LightshipMapView LightshipMapView;
GameObject ParentMapLayer;

// methods

virtual abstract Transform GetTransform(T instance) = 0;
virtual abstract GameObject GetGameObject(T instance) = 0;
virtual void OnObjectPoolAcquire(PooledObject<T> pooledObject);
virtual void OnObjectPoolRelease(T instance);
virtual Vector3 GetObjectScale(double mapRadius);
virtual Quaternion GetObjectRotation(in Quaternion rotation);
virtual Vector3 GetObjectPosition(in LatLng location);

Detailed Documentation

Base class for MapLayerComponent s that instantiate MonoBehaviours from a given prefab.


    T - The MonoBehaviour's type



virtual override Transform GetTransform(T instance)

Classes derived from LayerPrefabPlacementBase<T> should implement this method by returning the Transform of an object placed by that derived class.


virtual override GameObject GetGameObject(T instance)

Classes derived from LayerPrefabPlacementBase<T> should implement this method by returning the GameObject of an object placed by that derived class.