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class LightshipMapManager



This class is responsible for initializing the [Maps.Core](/maps/apiref/Niantic/Lightship/Maps/Core/) library, which is the Maps SDK component that's responsible for downloading and parsing raw maptile data. The entrypoint to the [Maps.Core](/maps/apiref/Niantic/Lightship/Maps/Core/) library is LightshipMapsSystem, which LightshipMapManager initializes in its Awake method. NOTE: LightshipMapsSystem is a singleton, so there should only be a maximum of one active LightshipMapManager at a time in any given scene.

    class LightshipMapManager: MonoBehaviour {
// fields

static const int DefaultExecutionOrder =
LightshipMapView.DefaultExecutionOrder - 10;

// properties

string Language;
bool IsInitialized;

// methods

IMapView CreateMapView();
void Reinitialize();
void UpdateLanguage(string language);

Detailed Documentation

This class is responsible for initializing the [Maps.Core](/maps/apiref/Niantic/Lightship/Maps/Core/) library, which is the Maps SDK component that's responsible for downloading and parsing raw maptile data. The entrypoint to the [Maps.Core](/maps/apiref/Niantic/Lightship/Maps/Core/) library is LightshipMapsSystem, which LightshipMapManager initializes in its Awake method. NOTE: LightshipMapsSystem is a singleton, so there should only be a maximum of one active LightshipMapManager at a time in any given scene.



static const int DefaultExecutionOrder =
LightshipMapView.DefaultExecutionOrder - 10

The value used for LightshipMapManager 's UnityEngine.DefaultExecutionOrder attribute. Note that this value is less than, and relative to, LightshipMapView.DefaultExecutionOrder. This allows LightshipMapManager.Awake to run before any LightshipMapView.Awake methods execute, since LightshipMapView needs to call into LightshipMapManager during its initialization.



string Language

The ISO 639-1 language code specifying which localized strings are used for labels.


bool IsInitialized

True if LightshipMapManager initialized successfully, or false if initialization failed.



IMapView CreateMapView()

Creates a new IMapView, which is primarily intended to be used by a LightshipMapView.


    A new IMapView


void Reinitialize()

Shuts down and re-initializes the map


void UpdateLanguage(string language)

Updates the language. After a language update, the map must be refreshed by calling ILightshipMapView.RefreshMap.     Parameters:     language - ISO 639-1 language code to use for map labels.