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class ChannelLogger



Helper class that simplifies message logging for a specific log channel using the logging system in the Platform Debugging library. All messages logged with an instance of this class will be tagged with the channel name and given a unique color in the Unity Editor's console, which makes it easier to find log messages from a particular feature or system.

class ChannelLogger {
// properties

string ChannelName;
LogLevel?? MaxLogLevel;

// methods

ChannelLogger(string logChannel, LogLevel maxLogLevel = LogLevel.Info);
void Fatal(string message);
void Error(string message);
void Warning(string message);
void Info(string message);
void Verbose(string message);
void LogTrace(string message);
void LogMessage(LogLevel logLevel, string message);

Detailed Documentation

Helper class that simplifies message logging for a specific log channel using the logging system in the Platform Debugging library. All messages logged with an instance of this class will be tagged with the channel name and given a unique color in the Unity Editor's console, which makes it easier to find log messages from a particular feature or system.



string ChannelName

The name of the channel associated with events logged from this class


LogLevel?? MaxLogLevel

The max log level for this channel. Anything more verbose than this level will be suppressed. This can be used to suppress log messages if they're too verbose or to enable additional log messages while a system is being debugged.



ChannelLogger(string logChannel, LogLevel maxLogLevel = LogLevel.Info)



    logChannel - The channel name associated with log messages from instances of this class

    maxLogLevel - The max log level for this channel


void Fatal(string message)

Log a LogLevel.Fatal message to the log channel


void Error(string message)

Log an LogLevel.Error message to the log channel


void Warning(string message)

Log a LogLevel.Warning message to the log channel


void Info(string message)

Log an LogLevel.Info message to the log channel


void Verbose(string message)

Log a LogLevel.Verbose message to the log channel


void LogTrace(string message)

Log a LogLevel.Trace message to the log channel


void LogMessage(LogLevel logLevel, string message)

Log a message to the log channel


    logLevel - The message's severity

    message - The message to log