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class ObjectPool



A general-purpose object pool for types derived from Unity's UnityObject

	template <T>
class ObjectPool: IPooledObjectAccessor< T > {
// methods

T source,
Action<T> onCreate = null,
Action<PooledObject<T>> onAcquire = null,
Action<T> onRelease = null

PooledObject<T> GetOrCreate();

Detailed Documentation

A general-purpose object pool for types derived from Unity's UnityObject


    T - The pool's derived type



T source,
Action<T> onCreate = null,
Action<PooledObject<T>> onAcquire = null,
Action<T> onRelease = null



    source - The object to be duplicated in the pool.

    onCreate - An action invoked on a newly instantiated object when it is first created.

    onAcquire - An action invoked on a new or reused object when it is acquired, before it is returned to the caller.

    onRelease - An action invoked on an object when it is released.

    ArgumentNullException - Thrown if source is null.


PooledObject<T> GetOrCreate()

Gets an object in the Pool if one is available. Otherwise, returns a new instance of the object and calls onCreate() on it.


    An object in the Pool, if one is available. Otherwise, a new instance of the object.