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interface ITilePair



Represents an IMapTileObject and its corresponding IMapTile at any given time.

interface ITilePair {
// properties

IMapTileObject TileObject;
IMapTile Tile;

// methods

void MarkBuilderComplete(IFeatureBuilder builder);

// direct descendants

class MeshTile;
class ObjectTile;
class TilePair;

Detailed Documentation

Represents an IMapTileObject and its corresponding IMapTile at any given time.

This object is always paired to a given IMapTileObject while the IMapTile being referenced can change when the pooled IMapTileObject is reused.



IMapTileObject TileObject

An object representing a single maptile in the scene.


IMapTile Tile

Contains the feature and coordinate information for the maptile



void MarkBuilderComplete(IFeatureBuilder builder)

Notifies the tile that the builder has finished building it or will no longer build it (i.e., due to cancellation or exception handling)


    builder - The builder currently referencing/building this tile