interface IStructureFeature
StructureFeature is a maptile feature that represents a structure (ie, a building) or part of a structure.
interface IStructureFeature: Niantic.Lightship.Maps.Core.Features.IMapTileFeature {
// properties
Vector3[] Points;
int[] Indices;
LineSegment[] ExteriorEdges;
float Height;
bool IsUnderground;
Inherited Members
// properties
FeatureKind Kind;
LayerKind Layer;
ILabelInfo Label;
Detailed Documentation
StructureFeature is a maptile feature that represents a structure (ie, a building) or part of a structure.
Complex structures are implemented as a layer-cake where each section has a 2-dimensional cross-section, a base height, and a top height.
Vector3[] Points
All points in this mesh in no specific order. All points have the same Y coordinate.
int[] Indices
An array of stride three representing triangles. Each entry is an index into the Points array. All triangles here are parallel to the x-z axis.
LineSegment[] ExteriorEdges
An array of LineSegments that represent a structure's exterior edges. These line segments are typically used to extrude quads for the structure's walls.
float Height
The height of this section of the structure.
bool IsUnderground
Flag indicating whether a structure is underground.