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interface IMapTileFeature



IMapTileFeature is the interface representing a single map feature. Concrete types implement various types of map features. Map features are clipped if they cross tile boundaries so this will only contain the part of the map feature that is on this tile.

interface IMapTileFeature {
// properties

FeatureKind Kind;
LayerKind Layer;
ILabelInfo Label;

// direct descendants

interface IAreaFeature;
interface ILinearFeature;
interface IPointFeature;
interface IStructureFeature;

Detailed Documentation

IMapTileFeature is the interface representing a single map feature. Concrete types implement various types of map features. Map features are clipped if they cross tile boundaries so this will only contain the part of the map feature that is on this tile.



FeatureKind Kind

This specifies the FeatureKind category associated with this maptile feature.


LayerKind Layer

The LayerKind that this maptile feature came from.


ILabelInfo Label

If present, this property represents a text label associated with this maptile feature.