How to Set Up ARDK with the Universal Render Pipeline
What are we going to learn
How to configure Unity's URP settings so that Lightship rendering works as expected.
You will need a Unity project with Lightship AR enabled and an AR scene configured. If starting a new project, you can use the "Universal 3D" template to skip some of the URP setup steps. Otherwise, complete ARDK setup as usual per the instructions at Installing ARDK 3. You will additionally need to follow the ARFoundation instructions for setting up its URP requirements, which can be found here.
The URP Renderer asset requires the AR Background Renderer Feature to be enabled. More information and instructions can be found here.
Magic Leap 2 has platform-specific requirements for developing with the Universal Render Pipeline (URP). More information and instructions can be found here.
Setting up URP with Lightship Occlusion
Occlusions made using the ARFoundation AROcclusionManager
will work out-of-the-box with just the ARBackgroundRendererFeature
added, as in the ARFoundation instructions. However, when using the LightshipOcclusionExtension
to enhance occlusions, you must also add a LightshipOcclusionExtensionFeature
to your URP renderer. For more information, see How to Set Up Real-World Occlusion.