How to Serialize Content Placed at Runtime for Persistence
This how-to demonstrates:
- Registering prefabs for spawning at runtime
- Storing transform and stateful data for restoring content in a future session
- Updating previously serialized data
This how-to uses manually constructed verbose strings to demonstrate serialization in a human-readable format. For proper serialization, we recommend using [Serializable]
structs with a JSON serializer for a concrete structure or a binary serializer for compact storage.
You will need a Unity project with Lightship AR enabled. For more information, see Installing ARDK 3.0.
Basic Concepts for Serialization of Runtime Content
As opposed to Remote Content Authoring, where Unity scenes contain static placed objects in each ARLocation
, runtime content serialization allows players to place content arbitrarily, then serialize the placed content into a known format so that it can be re-spawned in the future.
To serialize a player-constructed scene, this information is needed:
- The root transform that anchors the content (ARLocation, Image Target, etc);
- This ensures that future deserialized content will be placed in the same location.
- All
that the player has placed; - The type and state (transform and color, in this example) of each of these
This data is then compacted into a string or binary blob for retrieval the next time a player tracks that same ARLocation
To deserialize the data and reconstruct the scene:
- Retrieve and instantiate each
from the serialized data;- Each
is placed under the same root transform (ARLocation
) so that it appears in the same place.
- Each
- Apply the stateful data (transform, color, etc.) of each
A sample scene, "VpsSceneSerialization", is provided to follow along with the scripts in this How-To.
Registering Prefabs for Serialization
The first problem to solve is gathering a list of all possible Prefabs that players can place. This is necessary to reconstruct the scene in the future.
The script PersistentObject.cs
allows for finding spawnable Prefabs with a GetComponent
and identifying each unique Prefab with a PrefabId
Click to expand the PersistentObject class
using UnityEngine;
public class PersistentObject : MonoBehaviour
private long _prefabId;
public long PrefabId
get { return _prefabId; }
internal set
_prefabId = value;
... // Serialization code
In the "VpsSceneSerialization" sample, there are two PersistentObject
Prefabs, a cube and a sphere,
assigned the PrefabIds
0 and 1 respectively. These PersistentObjects
are then registered to a PersistentObjectManager
to create a complete list of spawnable objects.

Click to expand the PersistentObjectManager class
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
public class PersistentObjectManager : MonoBehaviour
private List<PersistentObject> _persistentObjects = new List<PersistentObject>();
public ReadOnlyCollection<PersistentObject> PersistentObjects => _persistentObjects.AsReadOnly();
... // Serialization and validation code
Runtime Content Placement
The "VpsSceneSerialization" sample has two scripts; PersistentContentDemoManager.cs
and PersistentObjectPlacementBehaviour.cs
. These scripts manage spawning/destroying Cubes
and Spheres
whenever the player taps a plane or existing GameObject
. Each game will have its own rules for spawning and destroying objects, so this How-To will not go into the details of making those scripts.
The following line of code implements an important detail - all spawned objects must be children of the ARLocation
after instantiation! Make sure to do this when building your own application!
// _root is a reference to the ARLocation that is currently tracked
spawned.transform.SetParent(_root.transform, true);
Serializing and Storing Spawned Objects
After the player has built their scene and is ready to serialize it for storage, we must create a list of all spawned GameObjects
. There are several ways to do this, such as holding each GameObject
in a List
, or, as this sample does, using a GetComponent<PersistentObject>
on the root GameObject
Click to expand the updated PersistentObjectManager script
public class PersistentObjectManager : MonoBehaviour
private List<PersistentObject> _persistentObjects = new List<PersistentObject>();
private const char Delimiter = ';';
private readonly Dictionary<long, PersistentObject> _validObjects =
new Dictionary<long, PersistentObject>();
public string SerializeObjectsToString(GameObject rootGo = null)
var root = rootGo ? rootGo.transform : this.transform;
var serializedObjects = new List<string>();
foreach (var child in root)
var persistentObject = ((Transform)child).GetComponent<PersistentObject>();
if (persistentObject)
if (!_validObjects.Keys.ToList().Contains(persistentObject.PrefabId))
return string.Join(Delimiter, serializedObjects.ToArray());
... // Deserialization and validation code
For simplicity, this sample assumes that all Prefabs are children of the same root with no nested Prefabs. A real application may require better tracking and handling of Prefabs in the Hierarchy.
After gathering the List
of PersistentObjects
, each PersistentObject
handles its own serialization
into a string. These strings are then joined into a single string representation for storage.
Click to expand the updated PersistentObject script
public class PersistentObject : MonoBehaviour
private long _prefabId;
public long PrefabId
get { return _prefabId; }
internal set
_prefabId = value;
public virtual string SerializeObjectToString()
return SimpleObjectToString();
protected string SimpleObjectToString()
var stringFormat = $"PrefabId: {_prefabId}, Position: {SerializeVector3(transform.localPosition)}, " +
$"Rotation: {SerializeQuaternion(transform.localRotation)}, Scale: {SerializeVector3(transform.localScale)}";
return stringFormat;
private string SerializeVector3(Vector3 vector)
return string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", vector.x, vector.y, vector.z);
private string SerializeQuaternion(Quaternion quat)
return string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w);
... // Deserialization code
Serialization returns a string that contains the relevant information for reconstructing the scene in a future session. In this example, the string looks like this:
PrefabId: 0, Position: 0,0,0, Rotation: 0,-0.2323422,0,0.9726341, Scale: 1,1,1; PrefabId: 1, Position: 0,0,-1.689, Rotation: 0,0,0,1, Scale: 1,1,1
The serialized string can then be stored in a backend or service for future retrieval. In this sample, the string is stored locally in PlayerPrefs
, indexed by the name of the ARLocation
// Serialize the content and store it
var serializedString = PersistentObjectManager.SerializeObjectsToString(_root);
// _locationString is just
PlayerPrefs.SetString(_locationString, serializedString);
Extending PersistentObject to Store More State
In the "VpsSceneSerialization" sample, the Cube and Sphere are ColorfulPersistentObjects
rather than base PersistentObjects
. We extend the base class here to show serializing more custom stateful data on top of the basic transform.
Click to expand the ColorfulPersistentObject class
using UnityEngine;
public class ColorfulPersistentObject : PersistentObject
public override string SerializeObjectToString()
Color color;
if (!Application.isPlaying)
// Have to use sharedMaterial in edit mode to not leak materials,
// this means all gameobjects that share a material (default) will have the same color
color = GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterial.color;
color = GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color;
var colorStr = SerializeColor(color);
return $"{base.SerializeObjectToString()}, Color: {colorStr}";
private string SerializeColor(Color color)
return $"{color.r},{color.g},{color.b},{color.a}";
... // Deserialization code
This extension adds the Color
field to each serialized GameObject
for future restoration. Our sample serialized data string now looks like this:
PrefabId: 0, Position: 0,0,0, Rotation: 0,-0.2323422,0,0.9726341, Scale: 1,1,1, Color: 1,1,1,1;PrefabId: 1, Position: 0,0,-1.689, Rotation: 0,0,0,1, Scale: 1,1,1, Color: 1,1,1,1
Restoring Serialized Content (Deserialization)
The serialized data string is then restored in a future session by PersistentObjectManager.cs
Click to expand the updated PersistentObjectManager script
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using UnityEngine;
public class PersistentObjectManager : MonoBehaviour
private List<PersistentObject> _persistentObjects = new List<PersistentObject>();
public ReadOnlyCollection<PersistentObject> PersistentObjects => _persistentObjects.AsReadOnly();
private const char Delimiter = ';';
private const string PrefabIdReg = "PrefabId: (?<pid>\\d*)";
private Regex _prefabIdRegex = new Regex(PrefabIdReg);
private readonly Dictionary<long, PersistentObject> _validObjects =
new Dictionary<long, PersistentObject>();
... // Serialization and validation code
public List<GameObject> DeserializeObjectsFromString(string str, GameObject rootGo = null)
var spawnedObjects = new List<GameObject>();
var root = rootGo ? rootGo.transform : this.transform;
var objs = str.Split(Delimiter);
foreach (var serializedObj in objs)
var match = _prefabIdRegex.Match(serializedObj);
if (!match.Success)
Debug.LogError("Could not parse out prefab id");
var prefabId = long.Parse(match.Groups["pid"].Value);
if (!_validObjects.ContainsKey(prefabId))
Debug.LogError($"Could not find prefab id {prefabId}");
var persistentObject = _validObjects[prefabId];
var newObject = Instantiate(persistentObject.gameObject, root);
return spawnedObjects;
The DeserializeObjectsFromString
method takes a serialized string, splits it into individual GameObjects
, then attempts to spawn registered PersistentObjects
according to the recorded PrefabIds
. Each GameObject
string is then passed to the PersistentObject
(or, in our example, ColorfulPersistentObject
) for each GameObject
to handle individually.
Make sure the list and contents of the _persistentObjects
List stay consistent between serialization and deserialization! Otherwise, nonsense objects may spawn instead. When making a full game, we recommend using a versioning scheme to ensure that the List stays consistent between operations.
Click to reveal the updated ColorfulPersistentObject deserialization script
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using UnityEngine;
public class ColorfulPersistentObject : PersistentObject
private const string ColourReg = "Color: (?<color>.*,.*,.*,.*)";
private static Regex _colourRegex = new Regex(ColourReg);
... // Serialization code
public override void ApplyStringToObject(string str)
var match = _colourRegex.Match(str);
if (!match.Success)
Debug.Log("No match");
var colorString = match.Groups["color"].Value;
var color = DeserializeColor(colorString);
public void ApplyColorToObject(Color color)
Material mat;
if (!Application.isPlaying)
// Have to use sharedMaterial in edit mode to not leak materials
mat = GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterial;
mat = GetComponent<Renderer>().material;
mat.color = color;
private Color DeserializeColor(string str)
// Deserialize a color from a string
var split = str.Split(',');
return new Color(float.Parse(split[0]), float.Parse(split[1]), float.Parse(split[2]),
The extension ColorfulPersistentObject
handles the Color portion of the serialized string, then hands the rest to the base PersistentObject
class to handle the transform data. This is inefficient, so let's clean it up:
Click to reveal the optimized PersistentObject script
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using UnityEngine;
public class PersistentObject : MonoBehaviour
private long _prefabId;
public long PrefabId
get { return _prefabId; }
internal set
_prefabId = value;
private static string regStr =
"PrefabId: (?<pid>\\d*), Position: (?<pos>.*,.*,.*), Rotation: (?<rot>.*,.*,.*,.*), Scale: (?<scale>.*,.*,.*)";
private static Regex regex = new Regex(regStr);
public virtual void ApplyStringToObject(string str)
// Parse the string and apply it to the object
protected void SimpleApplyStringToObject(string str)
var match = regex.Match(str);
if (!match.Success)
Debug.Log("No match");
var prefabId = match.Groups["pid"].Value;
var position = match.Groups["pos"].Value;
var rotation = match.Groups["rot"].Value;
var scale = match.Groups["scale"].Value;
_prefabId = long.Parse(prefabId);
transform.localPosition = DeserializeVector3(position);
transform.localRotation = DeserializeQuaternion(rotation);
transform.localScale = DeserializeVector3(scale);
private Vector3 DeserializeVector3(string str)
var split = str.Split(',');
return new Vector3(float.Parse(split[0]), float.Parse(split[1]), float.Parse(split[2]));
private Quaternion DeserializeQuaternion(string str)
var split = str.Split(',');
return new Quaternion(float.Parse(split[0]), float.Parse(split[1]), float.Parse(split[2]), float.Parse(split[3]));
Updating Serialized Data
To update serialized data, restore the data, allow players to modify the scene (delete GameObjects
, move them, etc.), and then reserialize and overwrite the previously stored data. (For very large scenes, constantly reading and rewriting the entire scene is inefficient, so we recommend an incremental update system.)
More Information
For more information on using Location AR, see Creating Location AR Experiences with VPS.