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Version: 3.7

Release Notes v3.8


  • No new major features, but many small bugs have been fixed across the board and performance has been improved.

Known Issues

  • When activating Lightship SDK for Android or iOS in Unity 2022.3.10f1 and above, you may see the following error message in the Unity console: XR Plug-in Management error. Failure reason: Unable to assign com.nianticlabs.lightship for build target [Android/iOS]. This error message is benign and the SDK still works as expected for those platforms. After restarting the editor in this state, you may also see warnings in the Project Validation and Lightship Settings windows that can be ignored.
  • Updating multiple packages simultaneously to 3.7 (like ARDK and Shared AR) from an older version of ARDK may cause corruption in the Library folder, leading to this error: Instance of Niantic.Lightship.AR.Loader.LightshipSettings couldn't be created because there is no script with that name. Closing Unity, deleting the Library folder, and reopening the project resolves the issue. This is an issue with Unity and they are investigating a fix for it.
  • Using Lightship Simulation on Windows machines in Unity versions 2021.3.31 to 2021.3.38 will throw errors and fail to render. This behavior occurs in AR Foundation 5.0 but is fixed in Unity 2021.3.39 and Unity 2022.
  • The warning Package “Lightship World Positioning System (WPS) Plugin" has no loader metadata. Skipping loader initialization. will appear in the Unity console when using the experimental WPS package. This is a benign warning and can be ignored.
  • Importing the ARDK UPM into a project started from the Universal 3D template may cause build errors to be reported in the console. Restarting the editor should fix this.