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struct XRPersistentAnchorPayload



Represents the payload for a persistent anchor.

    struct XRPersistentAnchorPayload: IEquatable< XRPersistentAnchorPayload > {
// fields

IntPtr nativePtr => m_NativePtr;
int size => m_Size;

// methods

XRPersistentAnchorPayload(IntPtr nativePayloadPtr, int size);
bool Equals(XRPersistentAnchorPayload other);
override bool Equals(object obj);
override int GetHashCode();
byte[] GetDataAsBytes();

static bool operator == (
XRPersistentAnchorPayload lhs,
XRPersistentAnchorPayload rhs

static bool operator != (
XRPersistentAnchorPayload lhs,
XRPersistentAnchorPayload rhs

Detailed Documentation

Represents the payload for a persistent anchor.

    See also:




IntPtr nativePtr => m_NativePtr

A native pointer associated with the anchor payload. The data pointed to by this pointer is implementation-specific.


int size => m_Size

The size of the payload



XRPersistentAnchorPayload(IntPtr nativePayloadPtr, int size)

Constructs the payload data for an anchor from native code.


    nativePayloadPtr - A native pointer associated with the anchor payload. The data pointed to by this pointer is implementation-specific.


bool Equals(XRPersistentAnchorPayload other)

Tests for equality.


    other - The other XRPersistentAnchorPayload to compare against.


    True if every field in other is equal to this XRPersistentAnchorPayload, otherwise false.


override bool Equals(object obj)

Tests for equality.


    obj - The object to compare against.


    True if obj is of type XRPersistentAnchorPayload and Equals(XRPersistentAnchorPayload) also returns true; otherwise false.


byte[] GetDataAsBytes()

Get the data associated with this XRPersistentAnchorPayload. This is an expensive operation! Returns empty byte[] if payload is invalid


static bool operator == (
XRPersistentAnchorPayload lhs,
XRPersistentAnchorPayload rhs

Tests for equality. Same as Equals(XRPersistentAnchorPayload).


    lhs - The left-hand side of the comparison.

    rhs - The right-hand side of the comparison.


    True if lhs is equal to rhs, otherwise false.


static bool operator != (
XRPersistentAnchorPayload lhs,
XRPersistentAnchorPayload rhs

Tests for inequality. Same as ! Equals(XRPersistentAnchorPayload).


    lhs - The left-hand side of the comparison.

    rhs - The right-hand side of the comparison.


    True if lhs is not equal to rhs, otherwise false.