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Version: 3.2

class RoomManagementService



The RoomManagementService provides interface to access Room Management Service backend to create, remove, find Rooms. A room is an entity to connect multiple peers through server relayed network.

class RoomManagementService {

struct GetOrCreateRoomAsyncTaskResult;

// methods

static RoomManagementServiceStatus CreateRoom(
RoomParams roomParams,
out IRoom outRoom

static RoomManagementServiceStatus DeleteRoom(string roomId);
static RoomManagementServiceStatus GetRoom(string roomId, out IRoom outRoom);

static RoomManagementServiceStatus QueryRoomsByName(
string name,
out List<IRoom> rooms

static RoomManagementServiceStatus GetAllRooms(out List<IRoom> rooms);

static RoomManagementServiceStatus GetOrCreateRoomForName(
RoomParams roomParams,
out IRoom outRoom

static void GetOrCreateRoomAsync(
string roomName,
string roomDesc,
uint roomCapacity,
GetOrCreateRoomCallback doneCb

static async Task<GetOrCreateRoomAsyncTaskResult> GetOrCreateRoomAsync(
string roomName,
string roomDescription,
uint roomCapacity

delegate void GetOrCreateRoomCallback(
RoomManagementServiceStatus status,
string room_id

Detailed Documentation

The RoomManagementService provides interface to access Room Management Service backend to create, remove, find Rooms. A room is an entity to connect multiple peers through server relayed network.



static RoomManagementServiceStatus CreateRoom(
RoomParams roomParams,
out IRoom outRoom

Create a new room on the server.


    roomParams - Parameters of the room

    outRoom - Created room as IRoom object. null if failed to create.


    Status of the operation


static RoomManagementServiceStatus DeleteRoom(string roomId)

Delete a room on the server.


    roomId - Room ID of the room to delete


    Status of the operation


static RoomManagementServiceStatus GetRoom(string roomId, out IRoom outRoom)

Get a room by Room ID on the server


    roomId - Room ID as a string

    outRoom - Found Room object. Null if operation failed or room ID not found<//param>


    Status of the operation


static RoomManagementServiceStatus QueryRoomsByName(
string name,
out List<IRoom> rooms

Query room(s) by name on the server


    name - Name of the room to find

    rooms - A List of rooms which has matching name


    Status of the operation


static RoomManagementServiceStatus GetAllRooms(out List<IRoom> rooms)

Get all rooms on the server, which was created by this app


    rooms - List of rooms available for this app


    Status of the operation


static RoomManagementServiceStatus GetOrCreateRoomForName(
RoomParams roomParams,
out IRoom outRoom

Get a IRoom object that has a given name on the server. If no room found with the name, create a new room using given room parameters


    roomParams - Room parameters of the room to get or create

    outRoom - IRoom object. null if server operarion failed


    Status of the operation


static void GetOrCreateRoomAsync(
string roomName,
string roomDesc,
uint roomCapacity,
GetOrCreateRoomCallback doneCb

An async implementation of the GetOrCreateRoom request. This function checks to see if any rooms of the name "roomName" exist and if not, it creates the room. Once the function has a valid RoomID from either of these operations, it returns it via the "doneCb". The "doneCb" has two parameters. The first is a response code in case there are service issues, and the second parameter is the room id that was found/created.


    roomName - Room name to check for

    roomDesc - Room description to use if a room needs to be made

    roomCapacity - Room capacity to use if a room needs to be made

    doneCb - Callback that the function calls after it errors or receives a valid room id.


static async Task<GetOrCreateRoomAsyncTaskResult> GetOrCreateRoomAsync(
string roomName,
string roomDescription,
uint roomCapacity

An async implementation of the GetOrCreateRoom request. This function checks to see if any rooms of the name "roomName" exist and if not, it creates the room. This variant returns a Task so it can be await -ed by C#'s async/await feature. The task is given two results, the status of the request and, if successful, the roomId for the request.


    roomName - Room name to check for

    roomDescription - Room description to use if a room needs to be made

    roomCapacity - Room capacity to use if a room needs to be made


    Task with the request status and the roomId on successful requests