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Version: 3.10

class LightshipNetcodeTransport



Lightship's Netcode for GameObjects compatibility layer. Implemented using the Room and INetworking apis.

	class LightshipNetcodeTransport: NetworkTransport {

struct CachedEvent;
struct NetcodeSessionStats;

// properties

override ulong ServerClientId;

// methods

NetcodeSessionStats GetNetcodeSessionStats();

override void Send(
ulong clientId,
ArraySegment<byte> data,
NetworkDelivery delivery = NetworkDelivery.Reliable

override NetworkEvent PollEvent(
out ulong clientId,
out ArraySegment<byte> payload,
out float receiveTime

void SetRoom(IRoom room);
override bool StartClient();
override bool StartServer();
override void DisconnectRemoteClient(ulong clientId);
override void DisconnectLocalClient();
override ulong GetCurrentRtt(ulong clientId);
override void Shutdown();
override void Initialize(NetworkManager manager);
uint GetLastNetworkError();

Detailed Documentation

Lightship's Netcode for GameObjects compatibility layer. Implemented using the Room and INetworking apis.



override ulong ServerClientId

A constant netcode clientId that represents the server When this value is found in methods such as Send, it should be treated as a placeholder that means the server


    networkManager - NetworkManager managing the netcode session



NetcodeSessionStats GetNetcodeSessionStats()

Poll the current stats of the active netcode session.


override void Send(
ulong clientId,
ArraySegment<byte> data,
NetworkDelivery delivery = NetworkDelivery.Reliable

Send a payload to the specified clientId, data and networkDelivery.


    clientId - The clientId to send to

    payload - The data to send

    networkDelivery - The delivery type (QoS) to send data with


override NetworkEvent PollEvent(
out ulong clientId,
out ArraySegment<byte> payload,
out float receiveTime

Polls for incoming events, with an extra output parameter to report the precise time the event was received.


    clientId - The clientId this event is for

    payload - The incoming data payload

    receiveTime - The time the event was received, as reported by Time.realtimeSinceStartup.


    Returns the event type


void SetRoom(IRoom room)

Set the Lightship Room that we want to use Netcode for Gameobjects in. Set this before calling "StartClient" or "StartServer".


override bool StartClient()

Connects client to the server


    Returns success or failure


override bool StartServer()

Starts to listening for incoming clients


    Returns success or failure


override void DisconnectRemoteClient(ulong clientId)

Disconnects a client from the server


    clientId - The clientId to disconnect


override void DisconnectLocalClient()

Disconnects the local client from the server


override ulong GetCurrentRtt(ulong clientId)

Gets the round trip time for a specific client. This method is not implemented for Lightship


    clientId - The clientId to get the RTT from


    Returns 0 always


override void Shutdown()

Shuts down the transport


override void Initialize(NetworkManager manager)

Initializes the transport. Automatically called by Netcode.


    networkManager - NetworkManager managing the netcode session


uint GetLastNetworkError()

Get error code from the last network error. If no error, returns 0. Error codes are defined as const in Niantic.Lightship.SharedAR.Networking.NetworkEventErrorCode


    Error code