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Version: 3.10

class PrivacyData



This class contains all the data required for data management requests.

class PrivacyData {
// properties

string ClientId;
string UserId;

// methods

static void SetUserId(string userId);
static void ClearUserId();

Detailed Documentation

This class contains all the data required for data management requests.



string ClientId

This is the device Id used to identify any device. In case there is no userId, the clientId can be provided for your GDPR data requests. If you are a Lightship developer, clientId is Unity's SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier.

For your game users, it is a random Guid. In case of no userId, you have to record it. It changes if the ios/android app is uninstalled and reinstalled. It remains the same over app upgrades


string UserId

This is the user Id that identifies each individual end user so that their data can be identified.



static void SetUserId(string userId)

Sets the userId of the user when the user logs in.


    userId - the userId of the user


static void ClearUserId()

Clears the userId when the user logs out so that we can dissociate the data from that user.