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Version: 3.0

class LightshipNavMesh



This class manages the data structures associated with a navigation mesh ("LightshipNavMesh"). It dynamically builds a 2d grid on the meshes detected in the environment for running navigation algorithms on. You are able to retrieve a number of properties of the "LightshipNavMesh" from it. There are also a number of methods to help you place and move LightshipNavMeshAgent s on the board.

class LightshipNavMesh {
// properties

ModelSettings Settings;
float Area;
List<Surface> Surfaces;

// methods

void Destroy();
LightshipNavMesh(ModelSettings settings, bool visualise);
bool IsOnNavMesh(Vector3 position, float delta);

bool FindNearestFreePosition(
Vector3 sourcePosition,
float range,
out Vector3 nearestPosition

bool FindRandomPosition(out Vector3 randomPosition);

bool FindNearestFreePosition(
Vector3 sourcePosition,
out Vector3 nearestPosition

bool FindRandomPosition(
Vector3 sourcePosition,
float range,
out Vector3 randomPosition

bool CheckFit(Vector3 center, float size);
bool RayCast(Ray ray, out Vector3 hitPoint);

bool CalculatePath(
Vector3 fromPosition,
Vector3 toPosition,
AgentConfiguration agent,
out Path path

void Scan(Vector3 origin, float range);
void Clear();
void Prune(Vector3 keepNodesOrigin, float range);

Detailed Documentation

This class manages the data structures associated with a navigation mesh ("LightshipNavMesh"). It dynamically builds a 2d grid on the meshes detected in the environment for running navigation algorithms on. You are able to retrieve a number of properties of the "LightshipNavMesh" from it. There are also a number of methods to help you place and move LightshipNavMeshAgent s on the board.



ModelSettings Settings

The configuration of the NavMeshModel.


float Area

The discovered free area in square meters.



LightshipNavMesh(ModelSettings settings, bool visualise)

Constructs a new LightshipNavMesh using the parameters given.


    settings - Settings to calibrate unoccupied area detection.

    visualise - Visualize the LightshipNavMesh in the scene.


    Returns the newly created LightshipNavMesh.


bool IsOnNavMesh(Vector3 position, float delta)

Checks if a particular 3d position is on the LightshipNavMesh (within a certain threshold).


    position - The 3d position to check for.

    delta - The threshold distance from the LightshipNavMesh to check against.


    true if the position provided is within delta meters of the LightshipNavMesh grid plane.


void Clear()

Removes all surfaces from the LightshipNavMesh.