On some older Android phones, the frame-rate will drop for several seconds at the beginning of a VPS session when VPS diagnostics are enabled. This happens while the machine learning models used by VPS diagnostics are being loaded. Once the ML models finish loading, the frame rate recovers (usually about 5-10 seconds). This slow-down does not show up on newer phones (most phones released since 2020 should be OK). The slowdown can be prevented by disabling VPS Diagnostics on the ARLocationManager (this will prevent diagnostics feedback events).
Updating to 3.11.0 from an older version of ARDK when updating multiple packages (like ARDK and Shared) may cause corruption in the Library folder, leading to the error “Instance of Niantic.Lightship.AR.Loader.LightshipSettings couldn't be created because there is no script with that name.” Closing Unity, deleting the Library folder, and reopening the project resolves the issue. This is an issue with Unity, and they are investigating a fix for it.
When activating Lightship SDK for Android or iOS in Unity 2022.3.10f1 and above, you may see the following error message in the Unity console: XR Plug-in Management error. Failure reason: Unable to assign com.nianticlabs.lightship for build target [Android/iOS]. This error message is benign and the SDK still works as expected for those platforms. After restarting the editor in this state, you may also see warnings in the Project Validation and Lightship Settings windows that can safely be ignored.
Using Lightship Simulation on Windows machines in Unity 2021.3.31-2021.3.38 will throw errors and fail to render. This behavior occurs in AR Foundation 5.0 but is fixed in Unity 2021.3.39 and Unity 2022.
Importing the ARDK UPM in a project started from Universal 3D template might cause a few build errors reported in the console. Restarting the editor should fix this.
In the On Device Persistent sample, if the user cancels mapping and restarts mapping quickly, the user will see an error message mapping failed unexpectedly. The user can safely start mapping scans again and make sure to scan properly until it stops by itself.